Sunday, April 6, 2008

Improving My Conscious Contact


"All of us, without exception, pass through times when we can pray only with the greatest exertion of will."

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions page 105

All of us, without exception. What can you tell others that will help them get back on the track with prayer and meditation when they become complacent? How does one muster up that exertion of will?

Struggling with prayer and or meditation is normal. I recently read and article that revealed even Mother Theresa had difficulty in this area. My personal experience is one of growth and different “seasons” of prayer and meditation.

When I have gotten into a groove and am able to carve out time in the morning to do some reading, I am indeed on a stronger spiritual footing. Inevitably something happens that changes my routine and this powerful tool goes dormant. Why does this happen? I am not sure. I keep on moving regardless; action is the key. A five-minute “chat” with my higher power will often do the trick. Asking God to inspire me and energize me has been helpful. Share about it at a meeting, with my sponsor or sponsee… As long as I don’t pick up that next drink, something inevitably happens that leads me back to my next “season” of prayer + meditation.

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